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Access granted!

ABCs and Rice has been open and accessible to hundreds of children since 2009. As of one week ago, thanks to your generous support, our school is now open to all students with disabilities, including the strong little girl in the photo above, heading off to class on her own for the first time in her life.

Over the last few weeks, workers have been busy installing concrete walkways throughout our sandy grounds, totalling nearly 70 square meters (around 750 square feet) of concrete to get from the front gate, to the library, and on to each of our 6 classrooms.

Your funds also supported the expansion of one of our bathrooms to accommodate all of our students here at school. We will have bathroom support rails installed in the next few weeks once they arrive on special delivery from Australia.

Finally, with your help, we had a ramp designed and built especially to fit our classrooms at ABCs. The ramp will be able to move from class to class as the children grow through our skill levels.

On top of this project, Kania has the coolest motorbike in Cambodia. A UK-based organization called Motor Step supported the design and build of a special motorbike to ensure Kania gets to and from school each day. We are so thankful for their support!

Because of your support, ABCs and Rice is now fully accessible to students with disabilities for generations of students in the surrounding villages in Siem Reap. Over the last few weeks, your generosity has changed the life of our students, including Kania and Sonya, who are now getting an education for the first time, and happy to be at ABCs.

On behalf of ABCs and Rice, thank you for your support!

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